Munch turns 1!

I want to cry, because I can’t believe my little Munchkin will be 1, in three days. I want to cry, because, where did the time go? I want to cry because the first three months were so hard that I cried in the shower every single day, due to exhaustion, confusion, love, frustration. anxiety. I want to cry because when I look at her, I see love. I see compassion. I see God.

I love that I can see her personality forming already. I can see her little mind, working, as she tries to figure out how to unscrew bottle caps and lids. I can see how she studies our gestures, before trying them out for herself.

I want to cry because asking God for strength and wisdom, has not been n vain. Holding on, has not been in vain. Happy early birthday, my angel. Mama loves you more than she knew she was capable of.

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